QPE encoding for packaging without distortion
The essence of current and future Quvis™ products lies in our proprietary QPE™ Technology.
Quality Priority Encoding (QPE™) is capable of preserving and delivering ultra high quality image storage efficiently, with no risk of distortion or sources of additive noise which are so common in other compression methods. The reliable behavior of QPE typically can eliminated time spent tuning compression settings and quality inspection of media.
Quvis™ products incorporating QPE™ have been chosen by customers who demand the highest quality results, The British Film Council, and major US movie studios. When image quality was a life and death issue, NASA chose QPE encoding for their “Return to Filght” image recording.
There are two basic approaches to media storage and communications: either a specified data rate, with a varying quality, or a specified quality with a varying data rate.
Most of the world worked on Rate Priority Encoding (RPE) methods where quality had to adapt. QuVIS looked at applications which had required quality standards, such as acquisition, communication, and archive for critic technical, military, medical, and the media communication industries which demanded a specified reliable quality, regardless of the data cost. This work resulted in development of the first efficient Quality Priority Encoding methods, where channel quality was fixed and if anything varied it had to be data.
Ironically, the QPE methods developed tend to scale much better than current RPE methods, so in the pursuit of resolution and HDR signal resolution, the QPE methods begin to compete effectively with RPE methods even in low rate applications, while still providing assured image quality. The move to 4K and 8K, or even higher, with 10 and 12 bit or more component resolution is a natural for QPE and is stressing the existing RPE infrastructure.
Wraptor Pro with QPE encoded DCPs provides a glimpse of what is possible. Wraptor Media Encoder puts a spotlight on the potential for secure theatrical 12bit HDR quality delivery and even streaming of 4K and 8K content.
Within the digital cinema space, Quvis™ technology has been trusted by thousands of customers for digital mastering and cinema playback in 2k, 4k, 3D, and more. Key relationships have included Pixar, Universal, Paramount, Sony/Columbia Pictures, Fox, Miramax, Lucas Films, Warner Brothers, Lightstorm, and DreamWorks.
Quvis™ continues to pursue innovations to enable the commercial and independent media producer, film festivals, film schools, archives, and industrial media. We offered the first real time 2K, 4K and 3D wavelet compression based digital cinema recorders and players, the first real time software DCP player, the first real time DCP recorder, and the first real time software DCP packager. This innovation means that customers can view their DCP without the cost and inconvenience of traveling to their local digital theatre, or incurring the high cost of digital cinema hardware for their studio.
And we’re not stopping here. Features like encryption, key management and decryption are coming to low cost DCP and eDCP software tools.