Sept. 2019 Mandatory Product Update!
Users who have purchased software licenses for QuVIS Wraptor and Player on MacOS and Windows will need to update to the latest versions of these products in the near future. This does not apply to monthly rental licenses or Linux based products. This update is mandated by Digital River’s recent decision to end eSellerate product activation service. For those interested in more details on the Digital River decision, see below. QuVIS will endeavor to contact all customers, but in case contact information may be out of date, please send a message to Support@QuVIS.Com, ideally including product order numbers. All Wraptor customers will be upgraded to the current Wraptor 4 version. All Player customers will be upgraded to the current DCP Player version.
Details on the Digital River decision:
Digital River, the owner of eSellerate, has decided to fold the eSellerate e-commerce service into MyCommerce, another similar e-commerce service provider Digital River owns. QuVIS has used eSellerate as an activation service provider for all but their Linux based products since 2008. Digital River originally stated they would maintain eSellerate product activation indefinitely, but they have recently announced that they will be shutting down activation service sometime in the near future. As a result of this recent disclosure, QuVIS has implemented their own custom activation service to avoid such issues in the future.
Sept. 2019 QuVIS announces the Ovation III DCP Player, and the upcoming Player3 release! Ovation III hardware supporting QuVIS DCP Player has a new enclosure and a more powerful and nearly silent processor. It is supplied with the Ubuntu 18.04 Linux operating system. This latest Long Term Support version of Linux offers 10 years of OS support. 4K content at peak DCP data rates can be decoded and displayed with ease. There is enough processing headroom to support significant future software upgrades. The hardware is compact and rugged, with an all aluminum case. As a bonus, it can be used as a small and surprisingly powerful general purpose computer well suited to on the road media processing, using a number of open source applications which come pre-installed.
DCP Player 2.3 offers a number of new features. The surround sound audio system now integrates well with Pulse Audio. It no longer takes a Linux Guru to get surround sound output configured on HDMI, DisplayPort or USB outputs. Color processing can easily be adjusted, with selectable color spaces, adjustable white balance and gamma, and the settings are now persistent.
DCP Player 3.0 is a major update coming later this year. Much improved decode performance makes processing time available for additional operations, including decryption and a special patented output rendering algorithm which provides extended dynamic range display. A separate web page based user interface makes Player3 suitable for exhibition as well as preview and quality control work.
Click HERE for more Ovation III information
Sept. 2018 First product release under new management is breathtakingly fast!
After two years of development, the first product resulting from the new management direction has been released. Wraptor 4 is a complete redesign of the popular Wraptor 3 DCP packaging tool, expanding on the traditional ease of use with pervasive tool tip comments and vastly improved automated export setup, and DCP naming convention support, among other new features. However, most impressively, while increasing image processing resolution, and improving compression efficiency, processing speed has been dramatically increased, by as much as 15 fold, allowing faster than real time 2K and 4K DCP export on mid-range systems! Support work will continue on Wraptor 4, but development will expand to address an update of the version for Apple Compressor, as well as a media compression toolset, and a redesign of the QuVIS DCP Player.
Aug. 2016 A number of the original investors and founders purchased controlling interest in QuVIS
A major change in QuVIS ownership has placed control of the company in new hands. The new focus will be a return to traditional QuVIS strengths applying wavelet compression, filtering, and other advanced image processing techniques to high resolution, high fidelity content aqusition, storage, communication, and display. Initially, all current products will be re-engineered to achieve image processing excellence, providing fast, efficient, high quality tools to solve industry issues dealing with increasing resolution and the need for increasing dynamic range and improved security.
Apr 2014 QuVIS Media Encoder integration Press Release
QuVIS Media Encoder integration Press release
Jan 2013 Indie Source Magazine, begin page 22
Dec 2012 Quvis Film Festival Benchmarking Survey
Nov 2012 Studio Daily
Digital Cinema Survival Tips for Indie Filmmakers: Encryption and Key Generation
Sept 2012 International Film Journal
DCP SOS: The Digital Juggernaut Hastens the Last Analog Picture Show
Aug 2012 Digital Cinema Report
Quvis Announces Wraptor DCP Services
May 2012 Reuters
Quvis Provides Indies Filmmakers With Unbeatable DCP Quality, Security and Speed