Wraptor 4.2
QuVIS Wraptor Pro V4.2 DCP encoder for Adobe CC
Quality, efficiency, speed, compatibility, and ease of use! We are pleased to announce our newest QuVIS Wraptor™ V4.2 Digital Cinema Packaging (DCP) technology. Wraptor™ Pro technology addresses commercial and independent DCP production and distribution, as well as film school and festival applications on Windows and MacOS based platforms. This package gracefully addresses the issues encountered when utilizing the DCP theatrical distribution format, supporting both Interop and SMPTE DCP formats, automatic conversion of source image size and aspect, frame rate, color space, audio format conversion, metadata generation, and DCP naming convention support, as well as providing ultra high quality wavelet compression technology and industry leading encode efficiency.
New features in Wraptor V4.2
Activation Installs are even easier now with optional activation key entry during the install process.
Quick Start Guide A startup guide is now bundled with the release, covering installation and step by step export setup in detail. A first DCP export has never been easier!
Wavelet processing Both the default 16 bit and optional 32bit component options (64 or 128 bit pixel) now utilize 32 bit resolution wavelet transform processing to assure industry leading quality and encoding efficiency.
Rate Redefinition Frame rate redefinition is now available, in addition to rate change by frame sampling. Redefinition is the traditional studio approach to small rate changes of theatrical content, such as drop to non-drop conversion or 24 <> 25 fps and 48 <> 50 fps. Wraptor continues to default to easy and automatic frame rate changes using Adobe’s frame rate re-sampling, but the new optional frame rate redefinition feature avoids any possibly of image or motion artifacts.
Streamlined setup To streamline Wraptor Pro setup for standard theatrical DCP production, options used only in non-standard DCP production have been moved to the new Wraptor Media Encoder application support product.
Features introduced in Wraptor 4
Speed of Operation Version 4 provides amazing DCP packaging speed for exports of finished works from Adobe Media Encoder (AME). 4K DCPs can now be packaged faster than real time on a modest hardware budget. Exports from Premiere are several times faster than in Wraptor 3, but typically slower than AME exports due to Premiere media processing time.
DCP naming Naming convention support is now provided by default.
Automatic Defaults Default settings generated for export options based on input media characteristics are much improved, as are tool tip comments.
Pixel Resolution Option for either 16 or 32 bit per image component (64 or 128 bit pixel) processing. 16 bits is the default, and is currently faster.
DCP type Support for both the original “Interop” style DCPs and the newer SMPTE DCP standard.
Image Size If you are producing theatrical content with DCI size and aspect ratios, it will be packaged exactly as it is provided. If you have HD video content, 4×3 film scans, or other non DCI format, it will automatically be resized and rate converted to fill or fit the the specified DCP container. Note that enabling available graphics processing hardware in Adobe is advised for best resizing performance.
Frame Rate Video gear generally operates at slightly lower or higher frame rates that the international standards for theatrical movie releases. Wraptor can painlessly convert video and other content into standard theatrical formats for international distribution.
Audio Formats Processing and converting audio sample rates and resolutions for a DCP often gets tricky, especially when frame rate conversion is required. Wraptor™ makes this painless, supporting both stereo and 5.1 surround sound in the required 48 or 96 KHz, 24 bit per sample, format. The QuVIS DCP Portal tool (coming soon) supports repackaging Wraptor generated DCP masters to support 7.1 audio and other advanced audio formats into your DCP.
Color The DCP format supports the XYZ color space, which supports a colorspace larger than human color perception. Wraptor can automatically convert from the source color in use to the DCP XYZ color space, or if desired a number of source color options can be selected manually.
Quality and Efficiency Be assured that if your source content is spectacular, the resulting DCP will be as well! QuVIS was the original developer of wavelet based compression technology for modern digital cinema theatrical distribution and provided all of the wavelet based encoding for major theatrical releases for many years, starting in 1999 with Toy Story II. Wavelet compression was finally standardized as the only method approved for distributing DCPs. The patented Quality Priority Encoding method (QPE™) provides the only quality guaranteed encode approach available for DCP packaging, and is also the most efficient encoding method for high quality DCPs currently available.
Legacy Hardware Support Wraptor 4 restores legacy hardware support. Recent versions of Wraptor 3 were not available on popular legacy platforms such as the 2008-2012 MacPro. Wraptor 4 restores this capability to run on older MacOS and Windows machines.
QuVIS Wraptor Media Encoder (Wraptor ME) Version 4.2
QuVIS has announced a new Wraptor Media Encoder product for specialized theatrical quality media distribution providing specialized pre-processing and encoding capabilities. Wraptor ME can package standard theatrical quality fully inter-operable DCPs using a tiny fraction of the data traditionally required for a theatrical DCP. Wraptor Media Encoder also adds support for eDCPs, which are even more efficient and can be automatically transcoded to standard DCPs. eDCPs support many more container sizes than current DCPs, covering a range from standard definition video to 8K, as well as supporting additional frame rates.
QuVIS DCP Player 2.3 Software and Ovation III™ DCP Player
It is now possible to provide a 2K and 4K DCP player entirely in software running on even low end personal computers. This is rather remarkable, in that only a few years ago, best efforts on a mid to high end personal computer struggled to exceed about four frames per second of 2K DCP content. Since then, software and methods have obviously improved, and now, high frame rate display is within reach. The focus of late has been to provide robust 4K playback on reasonably cost effective hardware. With QuVIS DCP Player 2.3 this can be done on 4 core 8 thread computers, which puts a consumer 4K DCP player within reach. QuVIS currently offers the DCP Player 2.3 software for Linux, MacOS and Windows platforms. This software can provide robust full band playback of 2K and 4K DCPs in software on current laptops and higher end systems. It can provide preview playback on lower end systems at reduced bandwidth. DCP Player 2.3 is also available integrated with hardware as the Ovation III.